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Skripal poisoning, or what hid behind the Litvinenko case.
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July 15, 2017.
Bibliography 147. "There are all sorts of drugs that can be given to people to create depression."
April 17, 2016.
Bibliography 146. Technological means of control as instrument of domination.
January 27, 2013.
А typical scheme used to disguise the application of special means.
These materials have been Copyrighted 2004, 2008 by the United States Library of Congress Copyright Office.
In loving memory of our parents, brothers, relatives murdered by the unprecedentedly inhumane system, reigning in Russia since 1917 to the present time.

London - Moscow - Los Angeles,
1996 - 2007.


Clandestine Weapon:

Undeclared Chemical-Biological War
Against Peaceful Population

By Vadim V. Baranov, Tatyana A. Baranova (ne'e Spryskova)


Russian Medical Doctor and Research Scientist in Chemistry
accuse special services of covert use of "special means" against people for:

• intimidation
• deliberate harming of health
• behavior modification of unaware persons
• killing without trace

The first legal process initiated by us in The Court of California, USA continued more than three years and successfully ended on January 03, 2000.

Our charges are recognized as substantiated by the judicial and governmental systems of the USA and the UK.

A new case considering covert use of narcotics, chemical, biological and other weapons by special services started in 1998 at The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Born 1946, Russian.
Medical Doctor.
Degree: Ivanovo State Medical Institute, 1968-1974, city of Ivanovo, USSR. Medical Doctor and military rank of lieutenant of medical service of reserve.
Specialities: Clinical Oncology (First Qualification Category), Endoscopy, General Surgery, Pediatry.
Postgraduate education and specialization for doctors (including military medicine courses): 1975 Internatura; 1976 General surgery, city of Ivanovo; 1977 Endoscopy, city of Ivanovo; 1980 Clinical Oncology, city of Kazan; 1987 Clinical Oncology, Moscow; 1990 Clinical Oncology, Moscow; 1992 Clinical Oncology, Moscow; 1994 Cryosurgery in Cancer Treatment, Moscow; 1996 Clinical Oncology, Moscow; 2005 Russian Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education, Moscow. Professional certification and post graduation course in oncology; 2013 Russian Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education, Moscow. Post graduation course in oncology. From September 9, 2013 to December 30, 2013. Diploma in oncology. Certification for medical and pharmocological practice in the field of oncology.
Registered with General Medical Council of the United Kingdom: Ref. № 5195924.
Occupation: Central Military Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior of the USSR, Moscow, Doctor endoscopist (1982-1984).
Head of District Oncology Department, Lead Specialist (Oncologist) of Kievsky District of Moscow (1985-1996).
Doctor Oncologist at the 2-nd Moscow Oncological Dispensary (Clinic), city of Moscow (October 2002 - December 31, 2003; October 2006 – March 2009).
Since October 4, 2004 until November 9, 2005 worked as Doctor Oncologist, in the Central Administrative District of the city of Moscow. Since March 2009 - retired.
Degree: Political Science, Ivanovo University M/L, 1979-1981, city of Ivanovo, USSR.
Religion: Christian.
Permanent resident of the UK.
Permanent resident of the USA.

Moscow/London/Los Angeles
Born 1947, Russian.
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences (PhD) at Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology, city of Ivanovo, USSR, 1976. Post Graduate Education.
Degree: Chemical Engineer. Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology, city of Ivanovo, USSR, 1971.
Speciality: Organic Chemistry.
Occupation: Up to 1996 worked as a Researcher in Academic Institutes and Scientific Research Laboratories of the cities of Ivanovo and Moscow. October 2002 to September 2003 - Scientific Researcher at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow. Retired since 2003.
Religion: Christian.
Permanent resident of the UK.
Permanent resident of the USA.

Moscow/London/Los Angeles

Born 1973, Russian.
Education: high school #1234 with broad study of English, Bol’shaya Molchanovka Str., Moscow, Russia, graduated 1990.
Degree: of Electrical Engineer (MSEE), Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (Technical University), 1990-1996, Moscow, Russia.
Postgraduate Education: 1996 Aspirantura, Moscow, Russia; Software Engineering courses (1997 - 2001) at San Francisco State University, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, University of California Los Angeles Extension, USA.
Speciality: Software Engineer.
Since 1996 lives in the USA.

Moscow/London/Los Angeles


By Vadim V. Baranov, Tatyana A. Baranova (ne'e Spryskova), Sergei V. Baranov.

In the end of the 1970s, as we became the objects of close attention of the KGB/MVD, we suspected that we were subjected to application of substances impairing our health. The clinical picture coincided with that of chemical weapons applied in non lethal doses. This our assumption could be regarded as an extremely wild if it had not been confirmed by unofficial information received from the Ivanovo KGB and MVD officers: lieutenant-colonel Melnik Vadim Nikolaevich and junior lieutenant of the interior service Kolbashova (Kolchugina) Natalya Nikolaevna and others in the end of 1970-s and beginning of 1980-s regarding the use of chemical weapons against individuals.
This information served as a stimulus for a prolonged professional medical monitoring. The picture of this monitoring for the period of 1981-1996 showed that the scale in which special services apply substances that impair human health surpassed the worst expectations. It correlates with a demographic situation of Russian Federation (Genocide of Russian Population).
The results of these prolonged observations gave us possibility to conduct analysis and make some generalizations.
The material represented in this article is based, first of all, on our personal experience as persecuted victims, on our observations and also on information from open sources.
As to special services, their own destructive activity is regarded by themselves as top-secret.

In a democratic society, or a society that has a democratic appearance, the spectrum of traditional methods of pressure on the members of the society is inevitably narrowed, giving way to clandestine means of individual terror known as (Rus: "sistema vnesudebnogo presledovaniya") "the system of outlawed persecution".

As it follows from the open publications, the most powerful weapons of this system, so called "special means", were and continue to be the weapons developed since the time of Vladimir Lenin in the notorious "Special Office" (Rus: "Spetsialny Kabinet"), which later transformed into top secret toxicological "Laboratory X" of professor Mairanovsky, bacteriological laboratory of academician Muromtsev and so on... Subsequently the weapons were elevated by the modern followers to the qualitatively new level opening a possibility to organize an individual terror on a massive scale.

The methods elaborated by special services for the limited purposes of "special operations" are on massive scale transferred to peaceful population in order to create artificial unhealthiness with the aim of:
  • behavior modification;
  • reduction of social and political activity of competitors and opponents;
  • suppression of any non sanctioned initiative in any sphere of life beginning from a domestic one;
  • and more often merely against unwanted persons.
The "artificial unhealthiness" of targeted victims is achieved by clandestine application of the widest spectrum of chemical or biological substances - "special means" which cause deterioration of mental or physical health (or both) of various degree and duration. It should be emphasized that such sort of actions in any case cause artificial decline of life quality, accelerate biological aging, artificially shorten life expectancy. The same practice extended to it's lethal extreme makes it possible to carry out mass purges camouflaging them under social and economic difficulties.

In order to create "artificial mental unhealthiness" special services covertly use a wide spectrum of narcotics, CNS (central nervous system) stimulants, psychomimetics, hallucinogens, etc. This range of substances makes it possible to change behavior of a victim in a wide range: from deepest depression leading to a suicide (masked murder) [Bib. 147] to heavy psychomotor excitement causing complications and death due to acute cardiovascular collapse (shock), arrhythmia, fibrillation, or cardiac arrest ("seemingly natural death"); from psychomotor stupor and catatonia to extreme rage and aggression. The latter enables to match with ease the behavior of an individual to criminal one and then treat him as a criminal (criminalization of victim).

In any case, the use of the mentioned above "special means" causes an abnormal and embarrassing behavior of a victim enabling special services to isolate the "object" from the rest of the society by creating around him social vacuum.

In order to discredit an unwanted rival, witness, opponent, etc., the "ordinary" narcotics are covertly used as well. This enables special services in collaboration with the medicine to officially register the presence of narcotic substances in the blood and urine on an unaware victim. Besides that, technique of artificial addicting to drugs is also in the arsenal of special services. The same methods are used for dehumanization of a victim in the eyes of the society which acts as a precursor to further physical liquidation.

In order to create "artificial physical unhealthiness" various means are used, beginning from those that came from the depth of history and ending with modern achievements of genetic engineering. The spectrum is practically unlimited as all substances if applied in overdoses are toxic for humans. However, according to our observations and information from open sources, the most widely used "special means" include military poisoning substances (Rus: tabel'nye otravlyayushchie veshchestva) in various dilutions and products of special laboratories and institutes of special services.
Here are only several examples of such agents:
  • organophosphates;
  • arsenic compounds;
  • cyanides;
  • Poisoning substances - derivatives of VITAMIN "K": cause intravascular coagulation and as a result thrombosis of blood vessels of vital organs: liver, kidneys, brain, heart as well as the lung vessels (acute pulmonary embolism, usually ending in a quick death if an urgent qualified medical aid is not provided), mesenteric vessels - with the development of necrosis of the corresponding parts of the intestine, vessels of the limbs, etc. For this reason derivatives of VITAMIN "K" constitute an ideal means to disguise a murder as a "natural death";
  • derivatives of decumarine (cause internal bleeding);
  • wide range of incapacitants (cause sharp deterioration of physical and mental activity);
  • various poisons and toxins (for example: ricin, mycotoxin, myelin toxin);
  • binary poisoning substances;
  • radioactive substances (for instance, Polonium-210 destroys biochemical systems of the body on the molecular level and causes clinical picture similar to immune deficiency disorders; radioactive Iodine-131 causes thyroid disorders including thyroid cancer);
  • various mixtures - multicomponent toxic mixtures (the brand handwriting of Russian special services is the use of poisons, specially created for а certain victim - taking into account the state of its health and physical parameters);
  • poisoning by narcotic substances are disguised as epilepsy, stroke, etc., poisonings by metal compounds – as gastroenteritis, peritonitis, etc.
During the recent years the use of genetically modified human saprophytes, such as "Escherichia coli" has been noticed. When in human body they are able to become deadly toxic at any moment having been activated with chemical substances applied on skin, or by any other methods.

The new achievements in biochemistry (for example in the field of bioregulators and pheromones) make it possible to induce a wide range of effects from non motivated rage to uncontrolled sexual attraction. This makes a victim an easy target for blackmailing or discrediting. Biological agents causing sharp unpleasant smell from a human body are also used in order to dehumanize and isolate the victim. Furthermore, the developments in the field of bioregulators (regulatory peptides) make it possible to use substances produced naturally by human body. Those toxins cause dramatic emotional and psychological changes, heart attacks, strokes, heart palpitation, arrhythmia, disruption of transmission of nerve impulses and so on. This opens an unprecedented possibility to use toxic substances that could not be traced in human body. In each case a clandestine application of such substances can lead to death - "killing without trace".

During the later Soviet period the special services, first of all the KGB, used the data of medical checkups and physical examinations for active revealing of latent, chronic diseases of a victim with the purpose of their amplification by special means in order to gradually finish off a victim labeling it as death from the natural causes. More often - from the pathology of the cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary systems as the most vulnerable to poisons and weaponized microorganisms and bacteria.

It is necessary to mention here biological substances used by special services that cause skeletal diseases depriving a victim of ability to move. As a result, the respiratory function of a human body and then the heart vessel function are damaged. An accidental or deliberately arranged contact with a respiratory infection (flu, pneumonia) kills the victim without a trace of violence.

"Novichok" [Bib. 46, 47] ("newcomer") belongs to a range of substances that cause dramatic artificial biological aging of a human body and a catastrophic shortening of life expectancy.

2,4-Pyrolo - a substance, that causes total loss of memory - amnesia.

Alcohol even in insignificant amounts could be deadly when organophosphates (such as sarin) are applied by special services.

The application of biological agents and other "special means" is usually coducted under the disguise of natural factors, for example: endemic diseases, climatic or seasonal conditions, technical miscalculations and mistakes (Sverdlovsk accident) and so on. "Weak places" are specially searched for and used for camouflage.

The following typical scheme is often used to disguise the application of special means:
  • The first level of concealment - put the blame on the victim for example by tossing drugs or imitating an alcohol poisoning. If the first primitive stage fails, the second one is set off:
  • The second level of concealment - the killer is a loner, the toxic substance - a household chemical. In most cases it does not get any further than this stage. The case is quickly wound up, further investigation and expert confirmation are not allowed to conceal what represents the:
  • The genuine level, actual state of affairs - a collective perpetrator acting via special services with the use of special means.
An example of use of this scheme is described here.

As it proved to be, the most common methods of delivery of "special means" to a body of an unaware victim are the following:
  • spraying on skin;
  • spraying as an aerosol cloud for inhaling;
  • adding to food;
  • smearing the surfaces in a residence, clothes, linen, underwear, shoes, etc.
Spray containers of various shapes and sizes from ordinary ones to micro capsules and "applicators" camouflaged under everyday objects such as umbrellas, pens, keys, cigarette lighters, screwdrivers, even built into mobile phones, fingernail sized inhaler type plastic dosers unnoticeably caught between the fingers, allow to apply poisons, toxins, biological weapons in various concentrations on skin or for inhaling. Microcapsules colored like human skin and entirely unnoticeable in hand, or scattered on the floor release toxin, poison or narcotic on crashing.

The rapid development of nanotechnologies unlimitedly expands the opportunities of covert introduction of any substance to an organism. Micro and nanocapsules represent the ideal means of delivery of chemical and biological agents to a human body. Due to their small sizes they may be able to enter the body undetected by its immune system, and then become activated by the cells’ own mechanisms or an external remotely controlled trigger (such as ultrasound, electromagnetic radiation) to produce a toxin. A highly porous silicon-based nanomaterial product on entering the body (swallowed tiny capsules or tiny invisible needles applicated to skin) can release a toxin slowly over a period of time. A new concept has emerged, that of nanoweapons.

As the highly toxic substances are used in insignificant amounts, a victim, even knowing of being attacked, is generally unable to detect the moment of the attack. This is even more difficult as there may be no physical contact between an attacker and a victim. As a rule, these substances are applied in crowded areas: streets, shops, public transport, but it can also be a lonely passer-by walking towards you or approaching from behind.

Intrusions into dwelling in the absence of the residents practiced by special services, give enormous possibility for unprecedented pressure on a victim by not letting it escape to a safe place. During these intrusions "special means" are applied to surfaces in the dwelling - soft furniture, carpets as well as to clothes, linen, underwear, shoes in order to harm the health of the resisting victim. Dishes, utensils are covered with heavy metals - lead, mercury, or with thinnest synthetic polymer films exuding a toxin. Prolonged application of these substances achieved by the above mentioned techniques causes chronic poisoning with irreversible consequences.

If there is no possibility to intrude into the dwelling, poisoning substances are usually delivered as vapor or aerosol via the ventilation system of the building, or by a special drill that can run through a residence ceiling or a wall, or by other methods. The dwelling thus turns into a "gas chamber".

Combinations of poisonous substances (Rus: "preparats") used against a victim produce a variegated continuously changing clinical picture with a myriad of symptoms that do not fit into any known diagnosis, confusing doctors and making them send the patient to various specialists ("Syndrome of Unclear Origin"). In the beginning the deviations of health condition caused by applied substances are not irreversible, in this case a victim receives a false, non-existent diagnosis "Vegeto-Vascular Dystonia" (Rus: "vegeto-sosudistaya distoniya"), and in the case of a sudden death - the "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome". In other cases (the most desirable for special services) the victim falls into the hands of psychiatrists, and from that moment on, a tandem of special services and psychiatry [Bib. 129] (which itself was a part of the internal service of the KGB) is put into action. Subsequently, such person is treated as a lunatic (mentally ill) with all consequences following from it (neutralization of a dangerous witness etc., etc.).

If application of toxic substances causes irreversible changes in a human body, (cancer, myocardial infarction, asthma, stroke, etc.) physical elimination of the victim takes place - seemingly natural death. In other cases, under other circumstances, prolonged persecution leads to destruction of personality and as a result to the loss of a social and professional activity. It could be used for dehumanization of a victim in the eyes of society followed by further physical liquidation.
Finally, one beloved by the special services method should be mentioned here - liquidation on the move - that is during vacations, business trips, visits, as well as during weekends (Fridays, Saturdays) and holidays.

The described here barbarous system is aimed to solve quite certain tasks, which according to our observations are the following:
  • To ruin the will, to destroy the morale of the victim, etc; to make a victim guided, that is to force a person to do those things which in the normal circumstances it would have never done (recruiting - Rus: "verbovka").
  • To intimidate a victim, to force it to refuse the certain personal, social or political plans.
  • To make impossible the realization of plans deliberately inducing poor health (artificial disability).
  • To destroy the family of a victim as a main support of resistance to violence.
  • To reduce occupational, educational or personal activities, masking application of "special means" under "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome", "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", etc.
  • As a revenge, causing more or less harm to health when intimidation, recruiting or luring failed.
  • To discredit and arrange conditions for prosecution, or attach a false psychiatric diagnosis and then treat the victim as a lunatic. (As a result, to remove a dangerous witness, etc.)
  • As tortures (deprivation of sleep, muscular-skeletal pains, the hardest headaches, toothaches, etc.) and getting satisfaction from suffering caused to the victim (sadism).
  • For expulsion (from a residence, territory, motherland, etc.)
  • To dehumanize before liquidation.
  • And the last - to eliminate, to kill, to "overtreat" with special means (Rus: "urabotat' ") . That means that the aim to kill is put from the beginning arranging seemingly natural death.
The range of it is enormously wide.

The list of methods of individual terror described here is far from complete. We do not mention the latest military achievements, immune or ethnic weapons (it is known that different ethnic groups have different levels of certain metabolic enzymes, or differences in genetic code), etc.

It is also important to mention here that because of the diffusion of special services and criminal organizations, some of the described here methods are as well used by criminals.

Our first attempts to make this information public in the former USSR are dated back to 1980. Despite our efforts these attempts were absolutely unsuccessful and turned out to be deadly dangerous. During the period of so called "Perestroika" very fragmented information of unofficial and semi-official character started to appear, but still it was and continues to be a "taboo", people who know about these type of things are paralyzed by fear, nobody ever spoke about it openly.

Finding ourselves in the West, we encountered the same. Nobody in Europe wants to discuss this problem, furthermore we are being persecuted for open discussion of it.
The Western legal system, however, made it possible for the first time in history to have these issues discussed in Court. A legal trial which started in San Francisco, California, in 1996 successfully ended on January 3, 2000. In 1998 we initiated a new unprecedented process on this problem in the European Court of Human Rights.
The problem raised here represents the first attempt to break through the conspiracy of silence. For the first time in history this problem is brought to the international legal level.
We believe that from a medical as well as legal perspective any attempt of application of any substance to a person without his/her agreement is an attempt on human life and is against the basic human right - the Right to Live.

Wide publicity of conducted lawlessness, removing "taboo" from discussion of these problems is of the first priority in fighting this evil, that is why it is necessary to draw a more complete picture of it.
As we have never collaborated with any special services, never been members of any secret societies, all our information is based on our personal observations and taken from open sources of information.
In order to make a more complete picture of this problem we would like to receive any information on the following subjects:
  • On the base of what orders, commands or any other documents contradicting to the Constitution and the Law the war against people is conducted?
  • What is known about such programs as "Flute" (Rus: "Fleyta"), "Bonfire" (Rus: "Koster") or other blood-curdling soviet-like eugenics?
  • Colleagues-doctors, what do you know about it?
  • Anyone who knows anything, or have learned from friends or acquaintance, or became a victim, any of your knowledge will be helpful!
We shall accept your information with gratitude and will answer any known to us questions, give recommendations.

We can be reached at the following e-mail address:

Vadim V. Baranov, Tatiana A. Baranova
March 2001 - present time.



1. V. N. Aleksandrov, V. I. Emelyanov, Otravlyajushchie veshchestva (Poisoning substances) 2-d Edition reworked and appended. Under supervision of Doctor of Chemical Sciences G. A. Sokolovsky, Moscow, "Voennoe izdatel'stvo (Military press)" 1990. (In Russian).
2. John B. Alexander, Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in Twenty-First Century Warfare. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1999.
3. Ken Alibek with Stephen Handelman, Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World - Told from the Inside by the Man Who Ran It. Random House, New York, 1999.
4. Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky, KGB:The Inside Story of its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev. Hoddler & Stoughton, London, 1990.
5. Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West. Allen Lane, London, 1999.
6. Brian Balmer, Britain and Biological Warfare. Expert Advice and Science Policy, 1930-65. Palgrave, New York, 2001, pp. 31; 81-82; 120.
7. Wendy Barnaby, The Plague Makers: The Secret World of Biological Warfare. Vision, London, 1999.
8. Roger Boar and Nigel Blundell, The World's Greatest Spies and Spymasters. Octopus Books, London, 1984.
9. Anthony C. Brown, The Secret Servant: The Life of Sir Stuart Menzies, Churchill's Spymaster. Michael Joseph, London, 1988.
10. Eric Croddy, Chemical and Biological Warfare: An Annotated Bibliography. The Scarecrow Press, Lanham, Md., London, 1997.
11. Malcolm R. Dando, A New From of Warfare: The Rise of Non-Lethal Weapons. Brassey's, London, 1996.
12. Anatoliy Golitsyn, The Perestroika Deception: Memoranda to the CIA. Edward Harle, London, 1995.
13. V. V. Gorbachev, A. G. Morochek, Profilaktika prezhdevremennoj i vnezapnoj smerti (Prophylactic of untimely and sudden death). Minsk, "Vysshaya Shkola", 2000. (In Russian).
14. Oleg Kalugin, The First Directorate. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1994.
15. Stephen Knight, The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons. Book Club Associates, London, 1984.
16. Vladimir Kuzichkin, Inside the KGB: Myth and Reality. Andre Deutch, London, 1990.
17. Robert Jay Lifton, The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and Psychology of Genocide. Basic Books, USA, 2000.
18. E. A. Luzhnikov, Yu. S. Goldfarb, S. G. Musselius, Detoksikatsionnaya terapiya (Detoxication therapy). Sankt-Peterburg, "Lan'", 2000. (In Russian).
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21. H. Keith Melton (Forewords by William E. Colby and Oleg Kalugin), The Ultimate Spy. Dorling Kindersley, London, 1996.
22. Prof. Dr. George Mogosh, (Vnutrennyaya klinica Bol'nicy neotlozhnoi pomoshchi g. Bukharest) Ostrye Otravleniya. Diagnoz i lechenie. (Hard poisonings. Diagnosis and cure.) Bukharest, Meditsinskoe izdatel'stvo, 1984. (In Russian).
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24. John Parker, The Killing Factory: The Top Secret World of Germ and Chemical Warfare. Smith Gryphon, London, 1996.
25. David Remnick, Resurrection: The Struggle for New Russia. Picador, London, 1998.
26. Roman Ronin, Svoya razvedka (Your own intelligence service). Harvest, Minsk, 1997, 2003. (In Russian).
27. William Shakespeare, Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Act One, Scene V, Harper Collins, Glasgow, GB, 1994. p. 1089.
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30. Pavel Sudoplatov and Anatoli Sudoplatov, Special Tasks: The Memoires of an Unwanted Witness - a Soviet Spymaster. Little, Brown and Company, London, 1994.
31. Gordon Thomas, Journey into Maddness: Medical Torture and Mind Controllers. Bantam Press, London, 1988.
32. J. Michael Waller, Secret Empire: the KGB in Russia Today. Westview Press, Boulder, San-Francisco, Oxford, 1994.
33. Victor Ostrovsky, Claire Hoy, Ya byl agentom Mossada. Art-Press, Moscow, 1992, (In Russian).
34. Vrednye veshchestva v promyshlennosti (Poisonous substances in industry). Reference book for chemists, engineers and doctotrs. Vol I,II,III. Under general supervision of N. V. Lazarev, E. N. Levina. 7-th edition, Leningrad, "Khimiya", 1976-1977. (In Russian).

Books on Demography and Statistics (In Chronological Order).

35. O Naselenii Moskvy, Seriya "Narodonaselenie", vyp.30. Statistica, Moscow, 1980, (in Russian).
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37. S. Maksudov, Loses of Population in the USSR. Chalidze Publications, Benson, Vermont, USA, 1989, (in Russian).
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71. "Why did Perry Die?" Emily Wilson on the Mysterious Phenomenon of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. The Guardian, G2, Aug. 20, 1999, p.12.
72. Fabrizio Pregadio, Gold Rush. The Times "Times 3", "Guilded Dragons", Oct. 8, 1999, p.10.
73. Sam Kilei, Hillary Fails Last Test on Israeli Obstacle Course. The Times, November 12, 1999, p.23.
74. Novye Izvestia (In Russian), Nov. 19, 1999, p.6.
75. Ian Traynor, Russia Dying of Drink and Despair. The Guardian, June 30, 2000, p.12.
76. Duncan Campbell, Beethoven was Killed by Lead Poisoning. Unpricking the Lock: Beethoven's Secret Revealed in his Hair, (Leader Comment). The Guardian, Oct. 19, 2000, pp.18,23.
77. Juanita Darling, Salvadoran Officials Draw Fire for Deaths From Tainted Liquor. Los Angeles Times, Oct. 28, 2000.
78. Irina Mastykina, Spasite Nashi Dushi. Sovershenno Secretno (Top Secret), (In Russian).
79. Alun Rees, Cyril Dixon, Police to Investigate Shocking Claims Old and Sick were Used for Porton Down Secret Experiments. Daily Express, Nov. 20, 2000, pp. 1,4,5,12.
80. Federal’nyi Zakon “Ob Organakh Federal’noi Sluzhby Bezopasnosti v Rossiiskoi Federatsii” (In Russian) 03.04.95 #40-FZ (SZ #15-95. art. 1269). (The Federal Law “About the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation”). Passed by the State Duma (Russian Parliament) on 22.02.95, Chapter II, Art. 8.
81. Chemical Weapons Convention.
82. Prezident Soyuza Khimicheskoi Bezopasnosti: v DK na Dubrovke primenyalsya ne tol'ko fentanyl. (In Russian). (The President of the Chemical Safety Union, Doctor of chemical sciences Lev Fedorov claimed, that not only fentanyl or it's analogues were used at Dubrovka Theatre Center, but also narcotic ftorotan. The scientist characterized those actions as "state terrorism". January 20, 2003.)
83. Tragediya na Dubrovke. My khotim znat' pravdu. (In Russian).
83.1. Zalozhniki "Nord-Osta" prizyvayut proverit' arsenaly spetzsluzhb". (Appeal to the International Forum on Chemical Weapons to check up the arsenals of special services (Moscow, November 11-12, 2003).
83.2. Vran'e na eksport. (Concerning Russian Federation observance of the right to live during the "special operation" at Dubrovka Theatre Center. Statement of Russian human-rights observers to the 79-th Session of the UN Human Rights Committee, Geneva, October 24, 2003.
83.3. Kazni posle shturma. (Outlawed executions are the norm in practice of special services - according to certain publications in Russian press.)
83.4. Otkrytoe pis'mo directoru FSB. (Open letter to the Director of the FSB (Russian secret police and the successor of the KGB) of December 06, 2003 (concerning outlawed executions).
84. M. V. Supotnitskiy, Bioterror v Vetkhom Zavete. "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" #277(3109) December 24,2003. (In Russian. "Bioterror in the Old Testament"). (Classical meaning of the bioterror practice: "a policy of intimidation, suppression of political opponents by violent methods ". Use of biological agents such as: Chlamydia pneumoniae, causing atherosclerosis, heart attack of a myocardium; Helicobacter pylori, causing stomach ulcer developing into cancer; virus Ljungan – insulin dependent type 1 diabetes; mycoplasmas causing rheumatoid arthritis, sterility, Crohn’s disease; herpes virus 6 - multiple sclerosis, malignant new growths). [ 84 ].
85. Kalugin o Rybkine. (In Russian). February 16, 2004. (Retired Major General of the former KGB Oleg Kalugin, stated that the special psychotropic substance SP-117 (SP for "special preparat" in Russian), was used against Ivan Rybkin, presidential candidate of Russian Federation. This special mean was developed in the laboratory OTU of the KGB USSR at the address: 2, Academica Vargi st., which was one of the most secret objects of the KGB. The documents, which relate to SP-117, had the highest secrecy classification in the country. Two drops of SP-117 cause the loss of emotional and mental control and the person finds itself in the condition of mental irresponsibility. The purpose of the application of SP-117 against I. P. Rybkin - removal from the participation in the presidential race.) [ 85 ]
86. Aleksandr Litvinenko: Rybkina napoili psychotropnym preparatom, primenyaemym FSB. (In Russian). February 17, 2004. The former Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB (former KGB) Aleksandr Litvinenko asserts that the special psychotropic substance SP-117 was used against Ivan Rybkin, presidential candidate of Russian Federation. This substance, according to him, affects the specific sections of the brain, as a result the victim cannot completely control its consciousness, then after returning to “normal” condition, the victim does not remember what has happened [ 86 ].
87. Aleksandr Litvinenko: Rybkina napoili psychotropnym preparatom SP-117. (In Russian). February 17, 2004. The former Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB (former KGB) Aleksandr Litvinenko asserts that the special psychotropic substance SP-117 was used against Ivan Rybkin, presidential candidate of Russian Federation [ 87 ].

Broadcast Reports

88. Aleksandra Marinina, Militia Lieutenant-Colonel, interview to Radio "Liberty" (in Russain), 11:00-12:00 GMT, Jan. 11, 1999.
89. Radio "Liberty" (in Russian), "Svoboda v Pryamom Efire", 11:00-12:00 GMT, Feb. 10, 2000.
90. Vladimir Bukovsky, Oleg Gordievsky, interview to Radio "Liberty" (in Russian), 11:00-12:00 GMT, Feb. 13, 2000.
91. Radio "Liberty" (in Russian), Itogovyi vypusk, 20:45 GMT, Apr. 21, 2000.

Additional bibliography

92. Mark Henderson, Stasi Tagged Rivals with Radiation. The Times, Jan. 4, 2001.
93. Yady i protivoyadia. (In Russian). (Poisons and antidotes). K.m.n. L.E. Gorelova of I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. Date of publication: 10-04-2003. Toxicology. ("... the number of poisonings among the Russians, unfortunately, increases from year to year...").
94. Mark H. Beers, Robert Berkow. Merck Manual Diagnosis Therapy. (Includes Facsimile of 1st ed. of the Merck Manual). MERCK & COMPANY INC. Edition 17, 1999.
95. Stepan Antonov, Yady KGB. Iz Osobogo arkhiva ukrali 16 tomow sverkhsekretnykh dokumentov. (In Russian). (Poisons of the KGB. 16 Volumes of top-secret documents have been stolen from the Special Archive). “Zhiz'n’”, #7, January 16, 2003, pp. 1,5; #8, January 17, 2003, p.5. (16 out of 39 volumes of top-secret documents of Lavrentij Beria’s criminal case (precisely those containing information about the NKVD special laboratory which developed poisons for killing without trace and applicators for them) have been stolen from the Archives of the Main Military Prosecutor’s Office.) [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
96. Galina Sapozhnikova, Ya – zombi. (In Russian). (I am a zombie). “Komsomol’skaya Pravda”, December 17, 2002, p.15; December 18, 2002, p.10. (Emergence of a number of patients with similar symptoms is not accidental! Emergence of a new syndrome, which exhibits itself in the erasure of the core of a personality is unlikely. Most likely, it is the result of someone’s rough experimentation. These people are working so carelessly, that throw in the streets the waste of their work. is possible to kill even by applying 20 drops of poison to the victim’s slippers. It also so easy to suppress someone’s will, that even a janitor can do that by wiping a table with a duster soaked with a special substance. ... Substances for memory erasure have been developed since 1980-s. ... Chemical terrorism is the state terrorism.)
97. Gosduma otklonila popravki v UK RF ob eksperimentax na lyudyakh. (In Russian). (The State Duma (Russian Parliament) rejected the amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation about experiments on humans)., May 28, 2004,
98. Amerikanskaya justitsiya uzakonila pytki nad zaklyuchennymi. (In Russian). (The American judicial system legalized tortures of prisoners). June 08, 2004, “Pravda”,
99. Neil A. Levis, Eric Schmitt. Lawyers Decided Bans on Torture didn’t Bind Bush. A Pentagon Memo in 2003. “The New York Times”, June 08, 2004, pp. 1,10.
100. Tom Happold, Blair urged to protest at "legislation" of US torture. June 08, 2004, “Guardian Unlimited”,,3604,1234122,00.html.
101. David Rennie, Ban on Tortures overruled in Pentagon. June 08, 2004, “Daily Telegraph”,
102. Mark Bowden, Lessons of Abu Ghraib. “The Atlantic Monthly”, July/August 2004, pp. 37, 40.
103. V. D. Tsygankov, Psikhotronika i bezopasnost' Rossii. SINTEG, Moscow, 2003, p. 97, (In Russian).
104. Masonstvo v ego proshlom i nastoyashchem. (Freemasonry in its past and present). Pod red. S.P. Mel’gunova, N.P. Sidorova. SP “IKPA”, Moskva, 1991, tom. 1, s. 121, (In Russian).
105. Bioterroristy ne slomili mozg Yushchenko., October 18, 2004. [ 105 ].
106. Prichinoj bolezni Yushchenko stala aktivizaciya latentnoj virusnoj infektsii - Genprokuratura. Kiev, October 22, 2004. IA "Novosti-Ukraina". [ 106 ]. The cause of the sudden acute sickness of the Ukraine presidential candidate in the forthcoming election, Mr. Yushchenko, was activation of a latent herpetic-viral infection, according to the results of the investigation of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.
Comments of With the emergence of genetic engineering the early experiments were performed on Escherichia coli (e-coli). They made it possible, through the modification of the genetic apparatus of the bacteria, to program it in such a way that it could carry out two functions: in dormant mode the genetically modified Escherichia coli functions as a saprophyte, same as the regular bacteria. The other function of the bacteria can be turned on by applying a “trigger”, which could be of chemical or other nature. The genetically modified Escherichia coli then starts to produce a certain pre-programmed toxin poisoning the host organism. It seems likely that the above mentioned herpetic virus was used in a similar manner.
106.1. Yushchenko suffered dioxin poisoning. Dec 11, 2004. "Daily Telegraph". sSheet=/portal/2004/12/11/ixportaltop.html Ukranian presidential candidate Victor Yushchenko says that his poisoning "... was an act of political reprisal against a politician in opposition. The aim, naturally, was to kill me."
106.2. Doctors say Yuschenko was poisoned. Dec 11, 2004. Independent Online, South Africa. Yuschenko at a press conference in Kiev Friday had repeated accusations that agents working for the Ukrainian government used a mixture of chemical and biological poisons in an attempt to kill him.
106.3. Pledge to prosecute Yushchenko poisoners. Dec 13, 2004. "The Guardian",15569,1372534,00.html A senior source in the Yushchenko campaign told the Guardian the poisoning was "clearly planned by professionals", who may have been former employees of the KGB. The source said the poison was called T-2, or "yellow rain" and that the CIA had been consulted in trying to identify it. Yellow rain, a "mycotoxin" related to the dioxins found in Mr Yushchenko's blood * , is a biological agent developed by the Soviets, and is known as their answer to Agent Orange. Michael Zimpfer, president of the Rudolfinerhaus clinic in Vienna ... added that, despite repeated analysis, "we may never be able to exclude that other chemicals were involved. We found the dioxin because it stays in the body for a long time. A short acting substance could also have been there."
* Comments of It is rather curious, however, why the "yellow rain" toxin is attributed to the principally different group of dioxines.
106.4. Sterling Seagrave, Yellow Rain: A Journey Through the Terror of Chemical Warfare. M Evans & Co., New York, 1981. p. 192: T2 toxin was studied intensively in Soviet Union, particularly at the Institute of Microbiology and Virology at Kiev in Ukraine.
p. 168: ... 2-4 Pyrolo, a substance that causes amnesia.
106.5. Poison's Use as Political Tool: Ukraine Is Not Exceptional. December 15, 2004. "The New York Times". Some former officers of Russian security services say that the use of poison as a sinister tool of statecraft ... has never left the public arena. "The view inside our agency was that poison is just a weapon, like a pistol," said Alexander V. Litvinenko, who served in the K.G.B. and its Russian successor, the Federal Security Service, from 1988 to 1999 and now lives in London.
There have been similar cases around the world in the past few decades. The South African authorities were accused of using clothing impregnated with organophosphates to try to poison antiapartheid activists. In 1997, Israeli agents in Jordan injected a poison into a Hamas leader, Khaled Meshal, later delivering an antidote under international pressure to save his life.
107. Arafat 'stable' after doctors rule out two killer diseases. "". 01 November 2004. ...a member of Palestinian parliament said they were looking into the possibility of "some kind of toxicity or very severe infection". Workers in Arafat's compound are questioned to see if a "slow-acting poison" had been administered to food.
108. Karta Arafata. (Arafat's Medical Record.) Vremya Novostej, #211, November 18, 2004. (In Russian).
109. E. A. Luzhnikov, Yu. S. Goldfarb, A. M. Marupov. Sovremennoe predstavlenie o detoksikacionnoj terapii ostrych otravlenij khimicheskoj etiologii. Rossijskij Khimicheskij Zhurnal. 2004 Vol. XLVIII, #2, p. 117. (In Russian). (The modern detoxication therapy of acute poisonings of chemical etiology. Russian Chemical Journal.)
"Acute poisonings of chemical etiology… have at present moved up to the second place in the structure of death causes of the Russian population after cardiovascular diseases and constitute the principal cause of death of the working age population... The absolute prevalence of domestic/household poisonings (98%) as a result of the widespread criminal activity should be noted... At present, according to the data of the Russian medical toxicological centers... poisonings by alcohol and its substitutes account to 5-10%."
Comments of In our previous reports we were drawing attention to the alarming statistics of the death rate increase of the Russian population from poisonings (see ref. [42], [93]). As it follows from the mentioned article [109], this tendency has resulted in "acute poisonings of chemical etiology" becoming the leading cause of death of the working part of the Russian population. This phenomenon has no historical or geographical analogies. As for the whole population of Russia, this cause of death is second only to the cardiovascular disorders [109], the large part of which constitutes the "acute cardiovascular collapse", which, as we have shown, camouflages deliberate chronic or acute poisoning or infecting.
110. Baranova T. A. Halophilic Reagents in Organic Synthesis (The nature and mechanisms of the weak interactions in chemical reactions). Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU). Moscow, Russia, 2003. (Unpublished manuscript). Detoxication of dioxins and other polychlorinated chemical substances.
111. Prokofyev V. F. Taynoe Oruzhie Informatsionnoj Vojny. (Clandesine Weapons of Informational War) (In Russian). “Sinteg”, Moscow, 1999.
Pages 114-121 describe psychotropic means – chemical substances.
“Chapter 5: Integral image of psychotropic weapons and possible scenarios of their application.
5.1 Possibility of application of psychotropic substances as components of psychophysical weapons.
5.1.4 Damaging factors of psychotropic weapons.
... Covert form of application
Psychotropic substances alter mental state of a human. Alteration of the mental state does not cause physical suffering to a human. A human with altered mental state in the majority of cases maintains his capacity for work, continues to make decisions. …psychotropic substances are applied to a human being without him knowing it, he continues to make decisions despite the fact that they are no longer adequate to the reality. Those surrounding the person affected by psychotropic substances are equally unaware that his actions and decisions are no longer adequate to the situation. If the affected individual occupies a commanding or a managing position, his decisions continue to be mandatory for execution by his subordinates. The wrongfulness of those decisions is realized by the majority either too late, or not realized at all. In the later case, the managed personal does not associate their failures and defeats with the wrongful decision making and attributes failures to some other reasons.
Selectivity of application
Psychotropic substances can be applied both against a single individual and large masses of people. In case of application against a single individual, his character and social standing should be taken into account. In case of application of psychotropic weapons, the induced changes in mental state case anticipated changes in behavior and actions of groups of people and large social groups.
Human and ecological factors
... Modification of mental state stops either automatically after weeks or months or by applying directed psycho-therapeutic actions.” (i.e. antidote*). “Application of psychotropic substances does not affect the environment. ...
Economic feasibility and profitability Application of psychotropic substances allows all the property on the enemy’s territory to remain unharmed. Production costs of psychotropic substances are equal to those of other medications and are significantly less than production costs of any other weapons. As a drawback of psychotropic weapons it is mentioned the requirement of close contact application of the pharmaceutical means” (i.e. special means *) “ to the target. However the currently developed methods of remote transfer of properties of one substance to the other could potentially resolve even this problem."
112. Zhvania was possibly killed by a secret poison., Feb. 09, 2005.
113. Bogdanov N. G. Rol’ Vrachei v Ubiistve Tsarei. (The Role of Doctors in the Killing of Tsars). Moskva, “Russkaya Pravda”, 2004. (In Russian).
(P. 228, 229: The mysterious illness spread among the Kremlin elite which was named by the wits of the Central Committee of the CPSU as “fell asleep and never woke up". The illness was raging in the Novaya Square (the New Square – the residence of the political leadership of the USSR) and neither doctors nor the guard could stop it. The Minister of Defense, Marshal of the Soviet Union A. A. Grechko became the first victim of it. "The stately handsome man" died on 26 April 1976 “as quietly as a mouse”. P. 231: The capital punishment for the leader of the USSR Leonid Brezhnev was standard: ... he should “go asleep and ...” in the morning the patient was found dead. The classical “fell asleep and never woke up” worked for sure this time as well. No doctors happened to be near by, as it was supposed to be in such cases.)
114. Igor Vinokurov, Georgii Gurtovoi. Psikhotronnaya Voina. Ot Mifov – k Realiyam. (Psychotronic War. From Myphths – to Reality). Moskva, “Misteriya”, 1993. (In Russian).
(The major customer for special means of the notorious laboratories developing behavior manipulation and quiet liquidation means was the Fifth Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR (later the “Department for the Defence the Constitution” or “Directorate Z”...). This body was carrying out the political guidance of those projects (Bibliography [114], p. 70). Its main targets were intelligentsia (implementation of the Head of the KGB Yuri Andropov’s idea to saturate intelligentsia with his agents) and the middle business-industrial management group, the main part of which were ethnic Russians.
Severe rusofobia of Trotski, Lenin and company with which the Soviet regime was launched revived again and clearly manifested in the governing of Yuri Andropov (Bibliography [113], p. 232-233). According to the evidence of the KGB major Vladimir Kuzichkin, it was the Russian part of the population of the USSR that suffered most from the repressions of the Fifth Main Directorate (Bibliography [16], p. 103).)
115. Bioetika: Printsypy, Pravila, Problemy. Red. B.G.Yudin. Rossiiskaya Akademia Nauk. (Bioethics: Principles, Rules, Problems. (Ed. B.G.Yudin). Russian Academy of Sciences). Moskva, “Editorial URSS”, 1998. (In Russian).
(In details about the notorious NKVD/KGB toxicological laboratories of the USSR. G. Maironovsky, P. Sudoplatov, L. Eitingon. Accomplices, successors. P.207-208: In 1994 the Head of the Federal Counterintelligence Service, General Golushko in the interview to the journalist Evgenia Albats said that the Operational-Technical Directorate [of the former KGB] included institutes, developing special technology and together with those institutes and designers numbers about ten thousand people. He told, that they also help the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Bibliography [116], p.352).)
116. Yevgenia Albats. KGB. State Within a State. Lodon, New York. Taurus, 1995.
117. Nikolai Burbyga, Prigovoren k "Medosmotru". (Sentenced to a “Medical Check Up”.) (In Russian). Izvestiya, May 16, 1992, p. 6. (The way the staff of the special laboratory of the NKVD used to act. The term “Medical Check Up” or to “Pass a Medical Check Up”, in the jargon of the Special Services of the Soviet Union, NKVD, MGB, KGB etc. had the meaning of an assassination of the victim by killing without trace.) [ 117 ]
* During the later Soviet period the special services, first of all the KGB, used the data of medical checkups and physical examinations for active revealing of latent, chronic diseases of a victim with the purpose of their amplification by special means in order to gradually finish off a victim labeling it as death from natural causes. More often - from the pathology of the cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary systems as the most vulnerable to poisons and weaponized microorganisms and bacteria.
118. An International Perspective on Advancing Technologies and Strategies for Managing Dual-Use Risks: Report of a Workshop. Committee on Advances in Technology and the Prevention of Their Application to Next Generation Biowarfare Threats. The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.,, 2005. Accessed on December 15, 2005 [ 118 ].
119. Down on the Farm. The Impact of Nano-Scale Technologies on Food and Agriculture. p.15, 16, 32: Implications of Encapsulation for Nanobioweaponry. ETC group (Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration). Ottawa, ON, Canada. November 2004., Accessed on February 10, 2006 [ 119 ].
120. E. P. Kim. Prestupnost’ v sfere bytovykh otnoshenij i ee preduprezhdenie... (Criminality in the sphere of everyday relations and its prevention...) Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation on Juridical Sciences. Moscow, 2002 (In Russian). (Everyday extremism etc).
121. K. A. Myasnikova. Kriminologicheskaya kharakteristika sowremennoj bytowoj prestupnosti i mery ee preduprezhdeniya. (Criminological characteristic of contemporary everyday criminality and measure for its prevention). Candidate (Ph.D.) Dissertation on Juridical Sciences. Rostov n/D, 2004.(In Russian). (Pseudo-terrorist everyday crimes etc).
122. Accessed on Jan. 4, 2005.
State terrorism
State terrorism is defined by some as violence upon a population committed by national governments or their proxies when not in a state of armed conflict with that population. State terrorism can be effected directly, at the hands of national military or security forces, or indirectly, through state sponsored terrorist organizations. States can terrorize their own populations, to secure rule...
Methods of state terror
Although state terrorism is an almost universal social phenomenon, instances of state terror usually fall into certain categories. Unfair trials, torture, and extrajudicial execution are said to be common practices of state terror, often used to terrorize domestic populations by sovereign or proxy regimes.
Repressive terrorism
Repressive terrorism is the use of systematic, centralized violence to suppress, put down, and restrain certain groups, such as dissidents, or even an entire population. It is considered always unpredictable and arbitrary. Secret police, state agents, and informers support the tyrannical rule, whose harsh methods, such as the use of torture, liquidation, and purges, strikes fear into a population.
123. Poisoned spy was the victim of state terror. Nov 25, 2006. The Times.,,2-2470850,00.html [ 123 ].
Britain's intelligence agencies last night claimed that the poisoning of the Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko bore the hallmarks of a "state-sponsored" assassination.
123.1. Police treating Litvinenko case as murder. Dec 06, 2006. Guardian Unlimited.,,1965500,00.html [ 123.1 ].
Scotland Yard said tonight it was treating the death of the former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko as murder.
124. US Department of State report on human rights in Russia for the year 2006.
"On November 23, former Russian intelligence officer Aleksandr Litvinenko died in London as a result of radioactive poisoning by polonium-210 (a highly restricted substance) by unknown actors. At year's end, investigations into the death continued in both Russia and the United Kingdom."
"The law states that officials may enter a private residence only in cases prescribed by federal law or on the basis of a judicial decision; however, authorities did not always observe these provisions. ... There were accounts of electronic surveillance by government officials and others without judicial permission, and of entry into residences and other premises by Moscow law enforcement without warrants. There were no reports of government action against officials who violated these safeguards."
125. Aleksey Stepur. Boris Volodarskiy: “Yushchchenko dolzhen byl pogibnut...” (In Russian). “Yushchchenko had to perish. This is the gold rule of special services”. “Ukrainskaya Pravda”, September 05, 2005. [ 125 ].
Multicomponent toxic mixtures tailored for a specific victim.
126. Oleg Fochkin. Sem krugov yada... (In Russian). Seven circles of poison. Poisonings - historical “amusement” of humanity. "Moskovskiy Komsomolets", December 5, 2006. [ 126 ].
(Poisoning symptoms are disguised as common illnesses).
127. Pavel Felgengauer. Poloniy-210 ne prodaetsya na rynke. (In Russian). (Polonium -210 is not sold on the market). "Novaya Gazeta" #91, November 30, 2006. [ 127 ].
Plastic poison applicators unnoticeably caught between the fingers.
128. A. Soldatov, I. Bogoran. “Dlya vnutrennego upotrebleniya.” Yad kak sredsvo... (In Russian). (“For the internal use”. Poison as the means of extrajudicial executions). “Novaya Gazeta” #91, November 30, 2006. [ 128 ].
Specifically, in this light the authors present the history of the mysterious poisonings of R. Tsepov, V. Yushchenko, N. Khokhlov, A. Litvinenko and others. Special services of many countries use poisons for these purposes. The Israeli special services, which were caught in 1997 in poisoning of Kh. Meshal, leader of “Khamaz”, serve as the main example for the Russians.
129. Russian TV channel “Kultura” (“Culture”) (In Russian). September 21, 2006, 10.35 PM, Moscow time. Telecast “Secret projects - the invisible bomb".
From the early years of existence of the Soviet regime in the USSR it engaged in development of psychotronic weapons. Actually it began with the invention in 1923 of “Cerebral radio” by B. B. Kazhinsky. All efforts, however, were made to regard any discussion of this subject a mental disorder. For this purpose a “Joint order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Ministry of Public Health of the USSR” was issued: "...individuals speaking about cerebral psychotronic weapons are subject to isolation in special facilities with subsequent forced medical treatment." Moscow, July 8, 1959 -- prikaz-psychotronic.wav (In Russian). Telecast text: invisible_bomb.pdf (In Russian).
The laboratory received a code name PION (Rus: Psikhiatricheskie Issledovaniya Osobogo Naznacheniya) Special Purpose Psychiatric Research. The lab team divided into two groups: the PIONISTS and the PIONEERS.
The PIONISTS proposed a compact but extremely powerful low frequency transmitter. The signals transmitted by the “Hell machine” were beyond the threshold of human recognition and affected the human psyche in a broad range from deep sleep to incurable mental illness.
The PIONEERS insisted on spraying of hallucinogens and application of the psychotropic substances through the public water supply, central ventilation systems, etc.
130. About us: (search for "baranovfamily" in the middle of this page).
131. Sergei Mashkin. Militsiya pogorela iz za kadrov. (In Russian). (Militia burned because of the cadres). "Commersant" #8 (3825), January 23, 2008.
Tuesday night a big fire occurred in the building of the Militia and the FSB (Russian secret police and the successor of the KGB) of Ivanovo district. [ 131 ].
132. E. I. Kamanin. Super-mortality of men – the phenomenon of contemporary demographic situation (Sverkhsmertnost muzhchin – fenomen sovremennoy demograficheskoy sityatsii).(In Russian). Smolensk, 1997.
133. E. I. Kamanin, A. V. Grinev, V. E. Mikulich. Contemporary demographic crisis - crisis of mortality, health of the adult, predominantly male working-age population. (Sovremennyy demograficheskiy krizis – krizis smertnosti, zdoroviya vzroslogo, preimushchestvenno muzhskogo naseleniya trudosposobnogo vozrasta). (in Russian). Smolensk, 2000.
(In Russia and in the countries of Eastern Europe from the end 1980s - the beginning of the 1990s started a sharp landslide increase in the mortality of population especially of the male working age population. In Russia the losses of life are 2 mln per year, predominantly of Russian population [133, pp. 34-35], since not one national formation, entering its [Russia] composition has the natural loss of population. Those losses are comparable with the times of full-scale war. The permanent, high and continuously lasting increase in the surplus mortality of men cannot be explained by known factors (social and economic conditions and others) [132, pp. 26-27]. In the structure of the reasons of the male mortality based on the example of the city of Smolensk region as one of those suffered most in demographic sense, the first places belong to саrdiovascular diseases, to accidents and poisonings [132, p. 50], and to tumors. The authors eventually consider that the risk factor for many illnesses, first of all cardiovascular ones, is the factor of poisoning, including the one of endogenous nature (endogenous toxins by the name of bioregulators can be used as toxic substances: see bioregulators in Main)*. In the excess mortality of men of the East European countries as a whole [132, p. 66] everywhere predominate the exogenous, controlled causes of death, especially, the class of accidents, poisonings and injuries.
134. Igor Korolkov. Zapasnye organy... (In Russian). (Spare special services. Special services created parallel structures to perform extrajudicial executions. This is how murders in the interests of the state are being accomplished. Secret instruction.) “Novaya Gazeta” #1, January 11, 2007. [ 134 ].
"On the grounds of the presented facts it can be assumed that going around the Constitution, domestic special services, or more likely affiliated with them “funds”, are given special authority. Through their illegal and semi-legal subdivisions they became one of the major control mechanisms of the country. The power they gained, constitutes a threat to both society as a whole and to each citizen of the country individually."
135. Russian television, TV Center. January 26, 2009, 22:05 Moscow time. Broadcast Master of the Souls. A documentary about the founders of the psychotronic weapons and the areas of life where psychotronic warfare is used.
136. N. F. Fedina (F. F. Erisman Federal Research Center for Hygiene, Moscow). Problems of occupational risk and quality of life of doctors. "Public Health of the Russian Federation" № 6 (November-December) 2009, p. 27. [ 136 ].
In the structure of causes why medical doctors stop their professional activity disability and mortality exceeds 50%, which is higher than other occupations. About one-third (33.3%) of female doctors, and half (50%) of male doctors lose their working ability before the retirement age. (The retirement age in the Russian Federation is 60 years old for men, and 55 years old for women).
137. Lev Sirin. Interview with the former head of the KGB Directorate S (Illegal Operations) Major-General Yuri Drozdov, held in Moscow on March 05, 2011. "", March 05,
Major-Genenral Yuri Drozdov: "...I remember when, in the 1990s, Mitrokhin, a retired foreign intelligence service KGB archivist defected, he gave Americans copies of documents he brought from Russia. Interestingly enough, the Americans sent those material to me - I was already retired then: "Have a look please at the Mitrokhin materials. Could you separate truth from fiction ...". (Emphasis ours*)
138. Litvinenko inquest: UK, Russia 'conspiring for trade'. BBC News, UK, 26 February 2013.
"Britain and Russia are conspiring to shut down the inquest into the death of Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko..., a lawyer for his widow has said. ...Ben Emmerson QC, representing Marina Litvinenko, said the Foreign Secretary's grounds for signing a public interest immunity (PII) certificate to prevent certain details relating to the case from being placed in open court for security reasons should be treated with the "greatest degree of scepticism". ...Attempts to withhold evidence pointed towards a conspiracy at the highest levels of government, he said. ..."The British government, like the Russian government, is conspiring to get this inquest closed down...," he said." (Emphasis ours*).
139. Yuri Drozdov. Memoirs of the head of the KGB Directorate S (Illegal Operations)
Aleksandr Sakharovsky, while being the head of the First Chief Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, personally gave orders to apply to Sean Bourke a poisoning substance, which gradually destroys health, primarily the cerebral activity. This happened shortly before Bourke’s departure from Moscow. Sakharovskiy feared that Bourke - a participant of the operation to arrange the escape of the KGB agent George Blake from prison would, after returning to the West, tell the details of Blake’s life in the Soviet Union. Bourke died in Ireland at the age of 47... (Emphasis ours*).
140. O. D. Kalugin. Farеwell, Lubyanka. Moscow, PIK-Olymp, 1995. (In Russian).
Details in Russian version only.
141. L. G. Ivashov, colonel-general retired. Interview to "Hydepark", October 2011.
Details in Russian version only.
142. Boris Ratnikov, major-general retired. Video interview.
Details in Russian version only.
143. Mark Meyerovich. Punishment by dwelling.
Details in Russian version only.
144. Victor Ostrovsky, Claire Hoy. By Way of Deception. The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer. St. Martin’s Press. New York, 1990.
Details in Russian version only.
145. Russian Federal Statistical Service ROSSTAT.
Details in Russian version only.
146. Herbert Marcuse. One-Dimensional Man. Studies in Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society. Beacon Press, Boston, 1964, p. 19 - 20.

"...Compared with its predecessors, it is indeed a "new society". Traditional trouble spots are being cleaned out or isolated, disrupting elements taken in hand." "...the gradual reduction of direct political controls testifies to increasing reliance on the effectiveness of technological controls as instruments of domination."

Our comments: what Markuse is talking about is a change in methods of ideology enforcement from the methods of direct political control to the methods of the so called 'technological control'. One of the essential instruments of this control not mentioned by the author was developed by a Russian physiologist, creator of the theory of the higher nervous activity, Nobel prize winner in medicine and physiology of 1904 academician I. P. Pavlov on his 'dogs'. The 'technological control' over men does not leave space for individual initiative outside the narrow field of professional competence, and requires penalizing for any such initiatives, unless they are sanctioned explicitly (as orders, recommendations, advises, hits) or implicitly (as stereotypes of thought and behavior that match rulling ideology and policies). The fulfillment of the control is entrusted to the special services: stimulate and uphold the loyal, incapacitate and undermine the independent. The result of the application of these 'technologies', is, among other things, millions of chronically ill on both sides of the Atlantic with dubious diagnoses - syndromes like chronic fatigue, tinnitus, pathological obesity, vegitovascular dystonia, increase in cardiovascular diseases or worse, and as the result - increasing mortality rate primarily among the males, and so forth.
147. The Man Who Knew Too Much. "BuzzFeed News" Investigation. June 19, 2017. [ 147 ]
According to the investigation of internet media company "BuzzFeed News", a former senior Scotland Yard counter-terror officer who spoke to BuzzFeed News said "the state can mess up minds, it can do all sorts of things. It has research laboratories, it has science facilities", he said. "There are all sorts of drugs that can be given to people to create depression" (Emphasis ours*). This statement was made during the discussion of the causes of death of Matthew Puncher, a British expert in the field of radiation, who discovered in 2006 the amount of polonium inside Litvinenko. In May 2016 Puncher was found dead in his home after a supposedly suddenly developed state of depression concerning his conclusion.
148. Down on the Farm. The Impact of Nano-Scale Technologies on Food and Agriculture. ETC Group, November 2004, p.15 - Implications of Encapsulation for Nanobioweaponry; p.32 - BioSilicon.

* - Comments of