I. Special services illegally and covertly use chemical, biological and electromagnetic weapons (special means)
against the ordinary people, independently of state borders, pursuing their own corporate interests
irrelevant to the safety of the people whose interests they are called to serve.
II. There is apparently an agreement (conspiracy
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) between the special services of the major cold war opposing countries
about the concealment of the facts of using of chemical, biological and electromagnetic weapons against the
ordinary people.
III. The main purpose of the use of chemical, biological and electromagnetic weapons (special means) against the
ordinary people is the artificial reduction of physical, intellectual, social and other possibilities of the people -
"neutralization of the potential".
IV. The main target for special services in using chemical, biological and electromagnetic weapons (special means) are
the people which special services consider as:
1. their opponents, who question the right of special services to interfere in other people's lives and
to direct their fate;
2. competitors (real or imaginary) to the special services' agents;
3. their enemies (real or imaginary).
V. The main pseudo-juridical mechanism for making decisions about the applications of the aforementioned
illegal methods of pressure, damaging the health and causing death, are various illegal, secret courts.
VI. The main starting substrate for the trials in those illegal secret courts are provocations
(operational experiment) including the worldwide known scheme "Problem-Reaction-Solution".
VII. The main instrument of fulfillment of the illegal decisions of the illegal secret courts are special
subdivisions in the special services' structure and the extensive network of agents.
Ivanovo - Donetsk - Moscow - London - Moscow - Los Angeles.
1979 - February 12 2004.
Baranov V. V.
Baranova T. A.